به نام خدا
Title: A logical approach to fuzzy truth hedges
Authors: Francesc Esteva, Llus Godo, Carles Noguera
Abstract: The starting point of this paper are the works of H jek and Vychodil on the axiomatization of truth-stressing and-depressing hedges as expansions of H jek s BL logic by new unary con- nectives. They showed that their logics are chain-complete, but standard completeness was only proved for the expansions over G del logic. We propose weaker axiomatizations over an arbitrary core fuzzy logic which have two main advantages: (i) they preserve the standard completeness properties of the original logic and (ii) any subdiagonal (resp. super- diagonal) non-decreasing function on [0, 1] preserving 0 and 1 is a sound interpretation of the truth-stresser (resp. depresser) connectives. Hence, these logics accommodate most of the truth hedge functions used in the literature about of fuzzy logic in a broader sense.
Publish Year: 2013
Publisher: Information Sciences - Science Direct
موضوع: منطق فازی
ایران سای – مرجع علمی فنی مهندسی
حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان
به نام خدا
Title: Vertical-Edge-Based Car-License-Plate Detection Method
Authors: Abbas M AlGhaili, Syamsiah Mashohor, Abdul Rahman Ramli, and Alyani Ismail
Abstract: This paper proposes a fast method for car-license-plate detection (CLPD) and presents three main contributions.The first contribution is that we propose a fast vertical edgedetection algorithm (VEDA) based on the contrast between thegrayscale values, which enhances the speed of the CLPD method.After binarizing the input image using adaptive thresholding (AT),an unwanted-line elimination algorithm (ULEA) is proposed toenhance the image, and then, the VEDA is applied. The sec-ond contribution is that our proposed CLPD method processesvery-low-resolution images taken by a web camera. After thev ertical edges have been detected by the VEDA, the desired platedetails based on color information are highlighted. Then, thecandidate region based on statistical and logical operations will beextracted. Finally, an LP is detected. The third contribution is thatwe compare the VEDA to the Sobel operator in terms of accuracy,algorithm complexity, and processing time. The results show accu-rate edge detection performance and faster processing than Sobelby five to nine times. In terms of complexity, a big-O-notationmodule is used and the following result is obtained: The VEDAhas less complexity byK2 times, whereasK2 represents the masksize of Sobel. Results show that the computation time of the CLPDmethod is 47.7 ms, which meets the real-time requirements.
Publish Year: 2013
موضوع: پردازش تصویر
ایران سای – مرجع علمی فنی مهندسی
حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان
به نام خدا
Title: Heat Transfer in Nanoelectronics by Quantum Mechanics
Author: Thomas Prevenslik
Abstract: Heat transfer began in macroscopic bodies with classical physics in Fourier’s transient heat conduction equation based on the notions of heat capacity by Lavoisier and Laplace. Theories of Einstein’s characteristic vibrations and Debye’s normal modes identified phonons as the heat carriers in Fourier’s equation. Einstein and Debye could have but did not include the photons in Planck’s theory of blackbody radiation as additional heat carriers. Since then, heat transfer by phonons alone has served well in deriving the thermal response of macroscopic bodies. However, unphysical findings for the thermal response of nanostructures suggest that Fourier’s equation needs to be modified at the nanoscale. Proposed modifications include vanishing heat capacity as required by quantum mechanics and conservation of absorbed energy by frequency up-conversion to the total internal reflection resonance of the nanostructure by quantum electrodynamics, the consequence of which in nanoelectronics is charge creation instead of an increase in temperature. Nanoelectronics (memristors, Ovshinsky Effect, and 1/f noise) are discussed with extensions to heat dissipation in nanocomputing.
Publish Year: 2012
Publisher: IEEE-NANO
موضوع: نانوالکترونیک
ایران سای – مرجع علمی فنی مهندسی
حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان
Title: Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem over Small Degree Extension Fields
Authors: Antoine Joux Vanessa Vitse
Abstract: In 2008 and 2009, Gaudry and Diem proposed an index calculus method for the resolution of the discrete logarithm on the group of points of an elliptic curve defined over a small degree extension field F q n. In this paper, we study a variation of this index calculus method, improving the overall asymptotic complexity when n = O( 3 log q). In particular, we are able to successfully obtain relations on E(F ), 2 q 5 whereas the more expensive computational complexity of Gaudry and Diem s initial algorithm makes it impractical in this case. An important ingredient of this result is a variation of Faugure_s Grabner basis algorithm F4, which significantly speeds up the relation computation. We show how this index calculus also applies to oracle-assisted resolutions of the static Diffi&Hellman problem on these elliptic curves.
Publish Year: 2013
Journal of Cryptography - Journal of Springer
زمینه: رمزنگاری خم بیضوی
ایران سای – مرجع علمی فنی مهندسی
حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان
به نام خدا
Title: Time-Sensitive Web Image Ranking and Retrievalvia Dynamic Multi-task Regression
Authors: Gunhee Kim, Eric P Xing
Abstract: In this paper, we investigate a time-sensitive image retrievalproblem, in which given a query keyword, a query timepoint, and optionally user information, we retrieve the mostrelevant and temporally suitable images from the database.Inspired by recently emerging interests on query dynamics ininformation retrieval research, our time-sensitive image re-trieval algorithm can infer users_ implicit search intent betterand provide more engaging and diverse search results ac-cording to temporal trends of Web user photos. We modelobserved image streams as instances of multivariate pointprocesses represented by several different descriptors, anddevelop a regularized multi-task regression framework thatautomatically selects and learns stochastic parametric mod-els to solve the relations between image occurrence prob-abilities and various temporal factors that influence them.Using Flickr datasets of more than seven million images of 30topics, our experimental results show that the proposed al-gorithm is more successful in time-sensitive image retrievalthan other candidate methods, including ranking SVM, aPageRank-based image ranking, and a generative temporaltopic model.
Publish Year: 2013
Publisher: ACM-WSDM
ایران سای – مرجع علمی فنی مهندسی
حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان