به نام خدا
Title: Fractal behind coin-reducing payment
Authors: Ken Yamamoto , Yoshihiro Yamazaki
Abstract: The minimal payment a payment method which minimizes the number of coins in a purse is presented. We focus on a time series of change given back to a shopper repeating the minimal payment. By using the delay plot, the set of successive change possesses a fine structure similar to the Sierpinski gasket. We also estimate affectivity of the minimal- payment method by means of the average number of coins in a purse, and conclude that the minimal-payment strategy is the best to reduce the number of coins in a purse. More- over, we compare our results to the rule-60 cellular automaton and the Pascal Sierpinski gaskets, which are known as generators of the discrete Sierpinski gasket.
Publish Year: 2012
Published in: Chaos, Solitons & Fractals - Science Direct
Number of Pages: 9
موضوع: فرکتال (Fractal)
ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی
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