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دانلود رایگان مقاله ISI ، دانلود مقالات IEEE ، دانلود رایگان مقاله IEEE ، دانلود مقاله ، دانلود مقالات ISI ، دانلود رایگان مقاله ACM ، دنلود مقالات ISI ، دانلود رایگان مقاله Science Direct ، دانلود رایگان مقاله از ACM ، دانلود رایگان مقالات مهندسی ، دانلود رایگان مقالات ACM ، دانلود رایگان مقاله مهندسی ، دانلود رایگان مقالات IEEE ، دانلود رایگان مقاله Springer ، دانلود رایگان مقاله آی اس آی ، دانلود مقالات آی اس آی ، دانلود مقاله آی اس آی ، یوزرنیم و پسورد دانشگاه های معتبر ، دانلود مقاله از IEEE ، دانلود رایگان مقالات آی اس آی ، دانلود رایگان مقاله ، دانلود ، یوزرنیم و پسورد سایتهای علمی ، دانلود رایگان مقالات ISI ، دانلود رایگان مقاله Science Direc ، دانلود رایگان ، دانلود رایگان مقالا ، دانلود رایگان مقالات IEEE، دانلود رایگان مقالات ISI، دانلود مقال ، Free ISI Paper Download ، ISI Paper Download ، Paper Download ، انلود رایگان مقالات IEEE ، دانلود رایگان مقالات مهندسی. دانلود رایگان مقاله Springer. دانلو ، دانلود مقاله ISI ، رایگان مقالات ACM ، و پسورد سایتهای علمی ، یوزرنیم ، دانلود مقالات آی ، دانلود مقالات IEEE, دنلود مقالات ISI, دانلود رایگان مقاله IEEE, ، دانلود، مقاله، ISI، 2013، رایانش فراگیر ،

آمار و اطلاعات

بازدید امروز :2
بازدید دیروز :16
کل بازدید :257682
تعداد کل یاداشته ها : 160
11:45 ص

به نام خدا

Title: A framework for enabling patient monitoring via mobile ad hoc network

Authors: Sweta Sneha, Upkar Varshney

Abstract: A critical component of comprehensive patient monitoring is reliability in communication between the patients and the healthcare professionals without any time and location dependencies. Patient monitoring applications largely rely on infrastructure based wireless networks for signal transmission. However, infrastructure based wireless networks till date, suffer from unpredictable network coverage and have thus been attributed to the unpredictable communication reliability of patient monitoring applications. This research investigates an approach based on leveraging mobile ad hoc network to address the challenge of enhancing communication reliability in the context of patient monitoring. Mobile ad hoc network, formed among patient monitoring devices, has the potential of enhancing network coverage and enabling signal transmission from an area which has low or non-existent coverage from infrastructure based networks. In order to utilize mobile ad hoc network in the context of patient monitoring we propose (1) power management protocols that address the challenge of managing the low battery power of patient monitoring devices while maximizing communication reliability and (2) a framework that models the complex decision logic involved in leveraging mobile ad hoc network for diverse patient monitoring scenarios. Analytical evaluation of the proposed approach supports the premise that mobile ad hoc network formed among patient monitoring devices can enhance the reliability of signal transmission thereby improving the quality of patient monitoring applications. Technical and managerial implications of the research findings and the direction of future research are discussed.   

Publish Year: 2013

Published in: Decision Support Systems - Science Direct

Number of Pages: 17

موضوع: شبکه های Ad-Hoc

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

دانلود مقاله

لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی


حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان


به نام خدا

Title: An efficient B + -tree design for main-memory database systems with strong access locality

Authors: PeiLun Suei a , Victor CS Lee b,fi , ShiWu Lo c , TeiWei Kuo

Abstract: This paper is motivated by the strong demands of many main-memory database applications with strong locality in data access, such as front-end logistical systems. We propose to adopt an auxiliary-tree approach with an tree-merging algorithm to efficiently handle bursty data insertions with keys in a small range and avoid significant overheads in tree rebalancing. A range-based deletion algorithm is then proposed to process data deletions with strong access locality in a batch fashion. The capability of the proposed approach is evaluated by a series of experiments with a wide range of workloads and a variety of locality patterns, where different tree index structures are compared in terms of the performance and memory space requirements.   

Publish Year: 2013

Published in: Information Sciences - Science Direct

Number of Pages: 21

موضوع: پایگاه داده (Data Base )

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

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لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی


حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان


به نام خدا

Title: Function optimisation by learning automata

Authors: QH Wu , HL Liao

Abstract: This paper presents a new algorithm, Function Optimisation by Learning Automata (FOLA), to solve complex function optimisation problems. FOLA consists of multiple automata, in which each automaton undertakes dimensional search on a selected dimension of the solution domain. A search action is taken on a path which is identified in the search space by the path value, and the path value is updated using the values of the states visited in the past, via a state memory that enables better use of the information collected in the optimisation process. In this paper, FOLA is compared with two popularly used particle swarm optimisers and four newly-proposed optimisers, on nine complex multi-modal benchmark functions. The experimental results have shown that in comparison with the other optimisers, FOLA offers better performance for most of the benchmark functions, in terms of its convergence rate and accuracy, and it uses much less computation time to obtain accurate solutions, especially for high-dimensional functions. In order to explore the FOLA s potential for applications, it is also applied to solve an optimal power flow problem of power systems. FOLA is able to minimise the fuel cost and enhance the voltage stability of the power system more efficiently in comparison with the other algorithms.  

Publish Year: 2013

Published in: Information Sciences - Science Direct

Number of Pages: 20

موضوع: اتوماتای یادگیر (Learning Automata )

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

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لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی


حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان


به نام خدا

Title: Visualizing Uncertainty in Multi-resolution Volumetric Data Using Marching Cubes

Authors: J Ma,D Murphy,M Hayes,G Provan

Abstract: Data sets acquired from complex scientific simulation, high precision engineering experiment and high-speed computer network have been exponentially increased, and visualization and analysis of such large-scale of data sets have been identified as a significant challenge to the visualization com-munity. Over the past years many scientists have made at-tempt to address this problem by proposing various data reduction techniques. Consequently the size of data can be reduced and issues associated to the visualization can be improved (e.g. real-time interaction and visual overload).However, during the process of data reduction, the information of original data sets was approximated and potential errors were introduced. It leads to a new problem with regard to the integrity of the data and might mislead users for incorrect decision making. Therefore in this paper we aim to solve the problem by introducing three novel uncertainty visualization methods, which depict both the multi-resolution(MR) approximations of the original data set and the errors associated with each of its low resolution representations. As a result we faithfully represent the MR data sets and allow users to make suitable decisions from the visual output. We applied our techniques on a data set from medical domain to demonstrate their effectiveness and usability.   

Publish Year: 2012

Published in: AVI - ACM

Number of Pages: 8

موضوع: مصورسازی داده ها (Data Visualization)

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

دانلود مقاله

لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی

حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان

92/2/26::: 6:34 ص

به نام خدا

Title: Three-stage hybrid-flowshop model for cross-docking

Authors: Adrien Bellanger , Said Hanafl , Christophe Wilbaut

Abstract: This paper deals with the optimization of a cross-docking system. It is modeled as a three-stage hybrid flowshop, in which shipments and orders are represented as batches. The flrst stage corresponds to the receiving docks, the second stage corresponds to the sorting stations, and the third stage corresponds to the shipping docks. The objective of the problem is to flnd a schedule that minimizes the completion time of the latest batch. In order to obtain good quality feasible solutions, we have developed several heuristic schemes depending on the main stage considered, and several rules to order the batches in this stage. Then, we propose a branch-and-bound algorithm that takes into account the decomposition of the problem into three stages. To evaluate the heuristics and to reduce the tree size during the branch-and-bound computation, we also propose lower bounds. Finally, the computational experi- ments are presented to demonstrate the efflciency of our heuristics. The results show that the exact approach can solve instances containing up to 9 10 batches in each stage (i.e., up to 100 jobs). In addition, our heuristics were evaluated over instances with up to 3000 jobs, and they can provide good quality feasible solutions in a few seconds (i.e., less than 2 s per heuristic).  

Publish Year: 2013

Published in: Computers & Operations Research - Science Direct

Number of Pages: 10

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

دانلود مقاله

لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی

حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان

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