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دانلود رایگان مقاله ISI ، دانلود مقالات IEEE ، دانلود رایگان مقاله IEEE ، دانلود مقاله ، دانلود مقالات ISI ، دانلود رایگان مقاله ACM ، دنلود مقالات ISI ، دانلود رایگان مقاله Science Direct ، دانلود رایگان مقاله از ACM ، دانلود رایگان مقالات مهندسی ، دانلود رایگان مقالات ACM ، دانلود رایگان مقاله مهندسی ، دانلود رایگان مقالات IEEE ، دانلود رایگان مقاله Springer ، دانلود رایگان مقاله آی اس آی ، دانلود مقالات آی اس آی ، دانلود مقاله آی اس آی ، یوزرنیم و پسورد دانشگاه های معتبر ، دانلود مقاله از IEEE ، دانلود رایگان مقالات آی اس آی ، دانلود رایگان مقاله ، دانلود ، یوزرنیم و پسورد سایتهای علمی ، دانلود رایگان مقالات ISI ، دانلود رایگان مقاله Science Direc ، دانلود رایگان ، دانلود رایگان مقالا ، دانلود رایگان مقالات IEEE، دانلود رایگان مقالات ISI، دانلود مقال ، Free ISI Paper Download ، ISI Paper Download ، Paper Download ، انلود رایگان مقالات IEEE ، دانلود رایگان مقالات مهندسی. دانلود رایگان مقاله Springer. دانلو ، دانلود مقاله ISI ، رایگان مقالات ACM ، و پسورد سایتهای علمی ، یوزرنیم ، دانلود مقالات آی ، دانلود مقالات IEEE, دنلود مقالات ISI, دانلود رایگان مقاله IEEE, ، دانلود، مقاله، ISI، 2013، رایانش فراگیر ،

آمار و اطلاعات

بازدید امروز :7
بازدید دیروز :0
کل بازدید :258896
تعداد کل یاداشته ها : 160
5:23 ص

به نام خدا

Title: A Machine Learning-based Usability Evaluation Method for eLearning Systems

Authors: Asil Oztekin, Dursun Delen, Ali Turkyilmaz, Selim Zaim 

Abstract: The research presented in this paper proposes a new machine learning-based evaluation method for assessing the usability of eLearning systems. Three machine learning methods (support vector machines, neural networks and decision trees) along with multiple linear regression are used to develop prediction models in order to discover the underlying relationship between the overall eLearning system usability and its predictor factors. A subsequent sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine the rank-order importance of the predictors. Using both sensitivity values along with the usability scores, a metric (called severity index) is devised. By applying a Pareto-like analysis, the severity index values are ranked and the most important usability characteristics are identified. The case study results show that the proposed methodology enhances the determination of eLearning system problems by identifying the most pertinent usability factors. The proposed method could provide an invaluable guidance to the usability experts as to what measures should be improved in order to maximize the system usability for a targeted group of end-users of an eLearning system.   

Publish Year: 2013

Published in: Decision Support Systems - Science Direct

Number of Pages: 4

موضوع: یادگیری ماشین (Machine Learning) – آموزش الکترونیک (eLearning)

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

دانلود مقاله

لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی


حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان


به نام خدا

Title: A Structural Analysis of Emerging Production Systems

Authors: Luis Ribeiro, Rogrio Rosa, Jos Barata

Abstract: A cornerstone of modern production paradigms is the encapsulation of heterogeneity and system complexity. This functional encapsulation is supported by distinct architectural building blocks that once instantiated abstract, manage and control a specific system. Modern production approaches rely in semi hierarchical architectures to organize the interactions between these blocks. In runtime this specific structure promotes a self-organizing response resulting from concurrent interaction between the system�s components. This paper simulates the execution of processes in a network of mechatronic agents comprising products, processes� abstractions and resources and analyses the impact of the typical network structure envisioned by modern production paradigms in respect to the time consumed in the production process.   

Publish Year: 2012

Published in: INDIN - IEEE

Number of Pages: 6

موضوع: مکاترونیک

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

دانلود مقاله

لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی

حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان




به نام خدا

Title: Common Mode Noise Modeling and Analysis of Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter

Authors: Jin Zhi Li, Trillion Q Zheng, Ming Zhi He

Abstract: The principle of full-bridge DC-DC converter is briefly expounded, including the two typical control methods, named limited dual polarity hard-switch control and phase-shifted soft-switch control. Then the common mode noise equivalent circuits of full-bridge DC-DC converter are deduced, taking the common mode noise of the bridge leg_s midpoint into account, and the difference between the two typical control strategies is illustrated through theoretical analysis. In the end, simulations are performed to validate the circuit models and theoretical analysis.   

Publish Year: 2012

Published in: IEEE-INTELEC

Number of Pages: 7

موضوع:  مهندسی الکترونیک

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

دانلود مقاله

لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی


حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان


به نام خدا

Title: A Survey of Ant Colony Optimization-Based Approaches to Routing in Computer Networks

Authors: Peter Janacik Dalimir Orfanus Adrian Wilke

Abstract: Nature has provided an elegant solution for the routing problem millions of years ago, when ant colonies started to use swarm intelligence to discover food and route it reliably to their formicaries. The approach utilized by ants has several advantages that are also useful in computer networks: complete distribution, load balancing finding shortest paths with a high probability. Several routing protocols designed for the area of computer networks have made use of this approach, called ant colony optimization. This paper provides first a broad overview of ant colony optimization-based routing protocols, while focusing on four selected approaches in later sections, describing their operation and discussing their properties in detail.   

Publish Year: 2013

Published in: ISMS - IEEE

Number of Pages: 6

موضوع: الگوریتم کلونی مورچه‌ها (Ant Colony Algorithm) – مسیریابی هوشمند در شبکه‌های کامپیوتری (Routing in Computer Networks)

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

دانلود مقاله

لینک مقاله در سایت IEEE


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی

حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان



به نام خدا

Title: Graph Semantic Based Design of XML Data Warehouse: A Conceptual Perspective

Authors: Anirban Sarkar Sankhayan Choudhury Narayan C Debnath

Abstract: This paper has proposed a Graph � semantic based conceptual data model for XML based Data Warehouse (DW) system called GXDW model, to conceptualize the different facets of multidimensional databases which may contain semi- structured data. The model is an extension of object oriented paradigm and defines a set of graph based formal constructs, variety of relationship types with participation constraints. It is accompanied with a rich set of graphical notations those are used to specify the conceptual level design of semi-structured data based DW system. The proposed approach facilitates modeling multidimensional data with the existence of irregular, heterogeneous, partially organized and unordered data set. Moreover, a transformation mechanism also has been proposed for guiding the transformation of GXDW model schema into the related set of XML documents.   

Publish Year: 2012

Published in: INDIN - IEEE

Number of Pages: 6

موضوع: انباره داده (Data Warehouse)

مشاهده صفحه اول مقاله

دانلود مقاله

لینک مقاله در سایت ناشر


ایران سای – مرجع مقالات علمی فنی مهندسی

حامی دانش بومی ایرانیان

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